City Council Forms
Campaign Financing
The Political Reform Act, adopted by California voters in 1974, established the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) to oversee campaign finance transparency. This law requires candidates and committees involved in Moreno Valley elections to disclose their campaign contributions and expenditures. To comply with this Act, those participating in local campaigns must file regular campaign disclosure statements. These reports ensure transparency in the funding of campaigns for Moreno Valley candidates and ballot measures.
To see the forms for a City Councilmember, select a tab below. You can also check the City's Campaign Electronic Filing System: Netfile: Public Access Portal.
Ulises Cabrera, Mayor
Ulises Cabrera, Mayor
Ulises Cabrera, Councilmember
Form 410
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 Initial 01/21/21
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 Initial State 08/31/21
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 Term State 08/12/20
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 Term 07/23/20
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 Amendment 08/29/19
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 Amendment 08/16/19
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 Amendment 05/16/18
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 Amendment (08/22/18)
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 Amendment (09/26/18)
- Ulises Cabrera Form 410 03/10/17
Form 460
- Ulises Cabrera for Mayor Form 460 12/31/22
- Ulises Cabrera for Mayor Form 460 08/02/22
- Ulises Cabrera for Mayor Form 460 01/31/22
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 Preelection 01/20/22
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 Amendment (01/31/19)
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 Semi 10/21/18 - 12/31/18
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 Amendment 2 (06/30/18)
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 Amendment 1 (10/9/18)
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 07/31/18
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 Amendment (01/31/19)
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 Preelection
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 2nd Preelection
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 02/01/18
- Ulises Cabrera Form 460 Amendment (12/31/17)
Form 497
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 07/31/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 06/04/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 05/27/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 (Report 3) 05/26/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 (Report 2) 05/26/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 05/26/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 05/23/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 05/17/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 05/12/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 05/09/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 05/03/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 04/21/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 04/20/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 497 04/11/17
Form 501
- Ulises Cabrera Form 501 1/19/21
- Ulises Cabrera Form 501 07/19/18
- Ulises Cabrera Form 501 02/22/17
- Amendment (04/24/18)
Form 700
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 - Leaving Office
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 Annual
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 Amendment 07/15/21
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 04/13/21
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 amendment 05/05/20
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 03/18/20
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 04/01/19
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 04/02/18
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 03/07/18
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 06/13/17
- Ulises Cabrera Form 700 03/08/17
Elena Baca-Santa Cruz
Ed Delgado, Council Member
Form 460
Form 497
Cheylynda Barnard, Council Member
Public Official Appointments
Form 806 Agency Report Of Public Officials Appointments Report
This form lists additional compensation that officials receive when appointing themselves to positions on committees, boards or commissions of a public agency, special district, joint powers agency or authority. Each agency must post on its website a single Form 806 which lists all the paid appointed positions. When there is a change in compensation or a new appointment, the Form 806 is updated to reflect the change.
See the Form 806 listing the current paid appointments:
- Public Official Appointments – 01/14/2025
Statements of Economic Interest
Form 700
The Political Reform Act requires Moreno Valley officials and employees to disclose their financial interests and recuse themselves from decisions that could affect their personal finances. These disclosures, known as Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700), are public records available for inspection and copying at City Hall within two business days of receipt.
The Public can access filed Statements of Economic Interests through our online Public Portal. Some officials' forms are also forwarded to the Fair Political Practices Commission, as required by state law. This transparency measure helps ensure that city decisions are made in the public interest, free from conflicts of interest.
For a list of Moreno Valley designated filers whose forms are sent to the FPPC, please contact the City Clerk's office: 951.413.3001.