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Emergency Operations Center

Emergency Operations Center in Moreno Valley.

The City of Moreno Valley Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a centralized location for decision-making about local emergency response.

The City of Moreno Valley Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a centralized location for Citywide communication and coordination across departments and disciplines.

The EOC coordinates response efforts with first responders in the field and ensures City resources are assigned and tracked. Activities such as disaster care and shelter, animal evacuations, road conditions, and much more are all coordinated within the EOC.

City of Moreno Valley Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staff are organized around the five Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) functions and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

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Call: 951.413.3800

EOC Operation

At minimumum, two City personnel are trained to fill each EOC position, with most having three trained personnel. There are currently 52 positions identified to staff and support EOC operations.

EOC personnel coordinate emergency response elements with first responders and all departments to ensure a comprehensive response. The goal of the EOC is to ensure continuitty of operations, continuity of government, and ultimately to return the City to day-to-day operations as quickly as possible. Responders include all departments, including senior leadership. The EOC is organized within the five SEMS functions: Management, Operations, Logistics, Finance & Administration, and Planning & Intelligence.

Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) functions

EOC’s within the State of California use the same five SEMS functions, which is helpful during a large-scale incident where mutual aid is requested. The five SEMS functions are: